Donald Trump has deranged meltdown about Brett Kavanaugh

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It was a bad sign for Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh both when, partway through this morning’s opening round of Supreme Court confirmation hearings, Trump decided he needed to try to distract from them. Senate Democrats had come out swinging, the Republicans on the committee were floundering, and it was clear that Kavanaugh was in trouble โ€“ so Trump began ranting about Harvey Weinstein. But that didn’t work, and by the afternoon, Trump took a new approach to ranting about Kavanaugh.

Here’s the meltdown that Trump had in the late afternoon: “The Brett Kavanaugh hearings for the future Justice of the Supreme Court are truly a display of how mean, angry, and despicable the other side is. They will say anything, and are only looking to inflict pain and embarrassment to one of the most highly renowned jurists to ever appear before Congress. So sad to see!” So in Trump’s deluded mind, putting someone through a confirmation hearing before putting them on the Supreme Court for life is somehow all about “pain” and “embarrassment.” It got worse.

Trump then tweeted this quote, seemingly as if it had come from a journalist or political pundit: “Judge Brett Kavanaugh is an Exceptionally Qualified and Deserving Nominee for the Supreme Court.” But if you clicked through to the link, you saw that the source of the quote was Trump himself. That’s right, Trump apparently couldn’t find a single pundit out there โ€“ not even on Fox News โ€“ who was willing to (falsely) claim that Kavanaugh is qualified for the job, so he had to quote himself. Of course the needlessly capitalized words more or less gave it away.

Things are going poorly for Donald Trump on all fronts today. During a break in the hearings, Brett Kavanaugh was caught on video snubbing Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter was killed in the Parkland shooting. The White House tried to lie about the incident, but Guttenberg then caught them in the act. Meanwhile Bob Woodward is releasing a new book which reveals that Trump’s own top people think he’s mentally incompetent, or mentally unstable, or both.

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