Melania Trump goes on a tirade

Another day, another attack on the media from the Trumps. Only this time is different. It’s different because it isn’t the Lord of the Lies who is doing the attacking. Of course, it’s early yet. Things could most definitely change on THAT score. But this particular verbal diatribe was from wifey. Melania Trump is who I speak of.
Melania is an odd duck. Have you noticed, readers, the lack of color in her personality? What I mean by that is that many people have color to their words, to their voices, to their whole selves. A good example is the Bidens. The Bidens are positively dripping in color. They wear the colors of genuineness, wisdom, kindness, and strength. We see this regularly.
But for Melania, we see — nothing. She’s a blank and opaque canvas. She rarely laughs or even smiles. She speaks in a monotone. Her whole persona seems to say — I really don’t care, do u? Anger, however, is something the embittered Mrs. Trump possesses. And now she is lashing out at the media.
In her statement, Melania claims she’s been hard at work on a “Be Best” project. And she does not like the way the media has been covering this project. This project is called “Fostering the future.” I am not quite sure what its goal is. Apparently, she wants to “restore, strengthen and protect America’s founding principles and institutions.”
I think she could start by admitting her husband caused an insurrection and attempted to bring down the country. That would be a good first start! But Mrs. Trump seems far more interested in attacking the press, whom she called “inaccurate and misleading.”
Then she let go with one for the books. She labeled the media “dream killers.” Wow — I guess I understand now why she and assolini two were drawn to each other.
Dream killers? That’s a (not) good one. I do wonder if Melania ever thinks about all those people who perished from Covid — many who didn’t need to die. But they did because the incompetent monster sitting in the White House minimized Covid.
What about THEIR dreams? I’m sure they had many. How about the children ripped from the arms of their parents? I’m sure THAT wasn’t part of their dreams. You see, Melania — not everything’s about you. I realize this is a difficult concept. But it’s one you really should take to heart.