Melania Trump caught on tape having profane meltdown about immigrants kids in cages

Melania Trump’s former sidekick Stephanie Winston Wolkoff told us all that she had recordings of Melania saying awful things, and that she’d release them if necessary. She’s now begun doing precisely that, and let’s just say that the tapes are roughly as disturbing and embarrassing as we might have expected.
Melania has been caught on tape saying this: “And the said, ‘Oh, what about the children that were separated?’ Give me a fucking break. Where were they saying anything when Obama did that?” Melania then went on a rant about how she tried and failed to reunite one family, but the “liberal” media refused to cover it. Check out the recording below:
Melania Trump is also caught on tape saying “Who gives a fuck about Christmas stuff” and taking a backhanded dig at Fox News. The whole thing is just embarrassing. When Melania wore a jacket that said “I really don’t care, do you,” it looks like she truly meant it. How pathetic.