Donald Trump’s mouth may have just gotten Melania Trump subpoenaed to testify

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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As he circles the drain, Donald Trump just keeps finding ways to cause trouble for everyone in his life. This time around he opened his mouth and said something extraordinarily dumb that may have just gotten his wife Melania subpoenaed to testify. No, really.

Donald Trump was giving a long and rambling speech at CPAC today when he admitted that he told Melania Trump in advance that he was going to fire FBI Director James Comey for being a “bad, bad guy.” The trouble: Donald committed felony obstruction of justice when he fired Comey, and he subsequently confirmed as much when he told Lester Holt during an interview that he had done it specifically to make the Russia investigation go away.

Now, thanks to Donald Trump’s own words, we know that he discussed the illegal firing in advance with Melania. To be clear, Melania is not known to be under any sort of federal criminal investigation, and would not have directly benefited from Comey’s firing. So by having this conversation with Donald, she was not participating in a conspiracy to obstruct justice. However, this does make her a material witness to her husband’s crimes.

After this admission from Donald Trump, it’s difficult to imagine that Melania Trump won’t be subpoenaed to testify by everyone from Robert Mueller to the House Democrats. She can try to invoke spousal privilege once she takes the stand, but it’s possible that Donald just waived that by publicly discussing her role in the Comey firing; the courts will have to decide that part.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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