Mehmet Oz plunges into the abyss

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Picture this: you’re on a beautiful beach, and you’re offered a choice. You can spend time with a vivid blue dolphin — swim with it and have a super fun day with this playful, warm and magnificent mammal. Or you can hang with the Blobfish, a gelatinous creature, rarely seen, inhabiting deep waters and known to be quite ugly. Which would you choose? I ask because we have a race going on in Pennsylvania now. That race is between a good and smart man who most definitely has the playful air of a dolphin — John Fetterman.

And then we have the candidate rarely seen — the Blobfish. Mehmet Oz is his name, and make no mistake, he is ugly. I don’t speak of his physical appearance. I am talking about his personality. Oz was thought of as a dweeb but not exactly a monster. That all changed this week.

This is because Mehmet Oz, in a desperate and cruel attempt to get ahead of Fetterman in ANY poll,crossed a line. A close aide to Oz said this about Fetterman to Business Insider: “If he had ever eaten a vegetable in his life, he wouldn’t have had a stroke.”

This is one of the few times in politics — that my jaw hit the floor. I cannot even imagine ridiculing someone for their HEALTH. Evidently, Fetterman was startled as well because he had this to say on Twitter: “I had a stroke. I survived it. I’m truly so grateful to be here today. I know politics can be nasty, but even then, I could never imagine ridiculing someone for their health challenges.”

People all over were speechless. Mehmet Oz will likely LOSE votes over these abhorrent comments. And they shows Oz is not only a bad candidate and a snake oil salesman, but ALSO a mean and cold man — a loser through and through.

And doctors everywhere are also condemning the remarks also, saying they endanger people’s lives. Over 100 Pennsylvania doctors actually went so far as to put out a statement. The statement also talked about many claims Oz made on his show that was not true. I know stroke victims — this comment by Oz was a vicious slap in the face to all of them, and everybody should be made aware of these comments and the cruelty of the Oz campaign.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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