Donald Trump needs medical attention

We’re no more than forty-eight hours into Donald Trump’s impeachment, and beyond procedural moves, nothing has even happened yet. In fact the only movement we’ve seen in the past two days is Trump’s mental and cognitive status, which has taken a steep slide downward, in a clear sign that the specter of impeachment is melting what’s left of his brain. After what he posted this morning, we’re not even sure where to start.
At one point this morning, Donald Trump tweeted this: “‘A Very Stable Genius!’ Thank you.” To be clear, yes, he’s said it again. But this time he appears to be quoting someone and thanking them, with no attribution at all. It’s not immediately clear if one of his sycophants said it on Fox News, or if he merely heard it from the voices in his head. Also, four months ago Trump referred to himself as an “extremely stable genius.” Now he’s downgrading himself to a “very stable genius.” In his own deranged way, even Trump appears to understand that he’s slipping. But this was just the start.
Trump apparently flipped past MNSBC this morning, and was motivated to tweet this: “Who the hell is Joy-Ann Reid? Never met her, she knows ZERO about me, has NO talent, and truly doesn’t have the “it” factor needed for success in showbiz. Had a bad reputation, and now works for the Comcast/NBC losers making up phony stories about me. Low Ratings. Fake News!”
Considering that earlier this week Donald Trump didn’t appear to know that Barron is his son, we’re left to wonder if Trump is merely trying to belittle Joy-Ann Reid by painting her as obscure, or if he literally doesn’t know who she is. Also, she’s in the news business, where she’s highly respected, not “showbiz” – not that Trump understands the difference. At this point Trump doesn’t seem to understand anything.