Maxine Waters drops the HAMMER on Donald Trump

Are you sick and tired of Donald Trump’s dangerous, deadly fraudulent, and maniacal antics? You’re not alone. Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters has had enough of Trump’s nonsense, and she’s dropping the hammer on him.
Maxine Waters called out Donald Trump on his dubious claim that he’s taking a dangerous drug to prevent coronavirus, when the drug isn’t even known to prevent coronavirus:
Trump claims to be taking #Hydroxychloroquine but why should we believe him when he lies all the time? Maybe it’s just a good marketing job to get others to take it so that he can profit from his investment. Latest info on #hydroxychloroquine is that it causes death, SOOOO??
— Maxine Waters (@RepMaxineWaters) May 25, 2020
Waters also went after Trump for his maskgate scandal:
Trump is a dangerous example for children and those who tend to follow him. Not wearing a mask and not social distancing is dangerous. Do not follow his example. Protect yourself. Coronavirus kills! Maybe this ignoramus doesn’t care, but you should care about yourself!
— Maxine Waters (@RepMaxineWaters) May 25, 2020