Maximum damage

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,183 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

He can’t change. This writer watches the television networks with amusement. This writer sips a cup of coffee and watches with interest at all the seemingly hysterical calls from so-called journalists.

“He’s changed!!!’

“He will be different now.”

As I watch, I feel a scream tearing through me. I want to jump through the television, look the journalists in the eye, and say calmly: “He can’t change.”

Donald Trump was almost assassinated. It was a terrible thing that happened. But can some people forget THAT quickly?

“No cure.”

There is no cure for the disease of malignant narcissism. No cure. None.

“He got so emotional.”

Well, maybe he did. But I guarantee you media, he will not change. He will not change because there is no cure.

Many illnesses DO have cures. Malignant narcissism is not one of them.

“A malignant narcissist will not change.” – Millions of Psychologists and Psychiatrists.

Hear that media? Do you even understand? Do you know the danger you put this country in with fake platitudes?

Narcissism. Narcissism is a dark and brooding recluse hiding in not-so-plain sight. It is a hermit because it snatches away its victim’s ability to feel,to change, and to love.

NO cure.

Please stop it, media. Every time you issue yet another glowing prediction of change, I shake my head.

Those of us who have come face to face with narcissists, who have hung out with them, listened to them, loved them, and been victims of them, know what we are talking about. Please listen to us.

The malignant narcissist cannot ever be a genuine part of society. The malignant narcissist is a trauma waiting to happen. The malignant narcissist is not built the way you and I are built.

“This experience MUST have changed him.”

Do they say it out of wish fulfillment? Is THAT their jam, their game? Because they may as well try to hold onto strands of sand.

These narcissists are islands—cold, hard, calculating islands that float alone. If one tries to catch them, it will be for naught. One never can.

Donald John Trump cannot change.

I say this with sadness. I do fervently wish malignant narcissism weren’t a thing. I wish there was a cure. Maybe someday there will be.

But for now, there is none. The Donald Trump we’ve known for what seems an eternity now is the Donald Trump he will stay.

Are you listening, media? Do you even care? Or is causing drama, getting a hot off-the-presses story so important to you that you would throw away your logic, reason, and intuition for a fake story about a fake person with little inside him but egomania, ego-mania looking to cause maximum damage? He can’t change. There is no cure. Believe it.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,183 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer