Matt Gaetz scandal gets even uglier

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Bill Palmer frequently says there are no magic wands for the situations that we face. And he’s right. But sometimes, I wish there were. If this writer ever got hold of a magic wand, I’d wave it madly, this magical golden wand, and wish — fervently — for the end of the misery of the Trump years.

Alas, that wand will never materialize. What HAS materialized, however, regarding ONE of Trump’s miserable nominees is a lawyer. This is the attorney for two of the ladies who testified in Matt Gaetz’s ethics investigation. Uh-oh.

Yes, this attorney is saying that these women — BOTH of them told the ethics panel that Matt Gaetz paid them for sex. Uh-oh. This lawyer. Joel Leppard told ABC News that BOTH his clients were paid for sex with the high-haired former Congressman.

“My clients repeatedly testified what this payment was for. That was for sex.” Things for Matt Gaetz are just looking worse and worse, are they not? At this point, no magic wands are needed. Lawyers, underage girls, and Venmo payments will do just fine.

How embarrassing for him! How utterly disgusting. Meanwhile, even the media has been reporting on the Gaetz scandal. Witness these headlines:

“Matt Gaetz feels the heat.” -Politico

“Trump pick Matt Gaetz accused of up to 10 drug-fueled orgies.” – Daily Beast

“Just in: Two women say Trump AG nominee paid them for sex.” – Mediaite

It does seem readily apparent that Matt Gaetz was into some rather naughty things. This is not a good look for an AG nominee—in fact, it’s a terrible look. I wish I had that glowing magic wand. Dear readers.

I wish I could get us out of the whole Turmp mess, the whole kit and kaboodle. I wish I could wave this wand with a flick of my wrist and bring about harmony at home, harmony overseas, peaceful waters, and no darkness allowed. But since I cannot do that, this will do just fine. It is delightful seeing Matt Gaetz, a human scourge upon society, repeatedly humiliated like the nincompoop that he is.

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