Matt Gaetz is unwell

No matter what kind of week you’ve had, unless your best friend and ex girlfriend both sold you out to federal criminal prosecutors, you’re probably having a better week than Matt Gaetz. He just had arguably the worst week of his life, and yet he undoubtedly has much worse weeks coming.
So how is Matt Gaetz holding up? Not well, to put it mildly. He’s busy quoting someone named “Destroyer of Worlds” on Twitter, insisting that his recent pointless rallies have been a “YUGE success.” Because, sure, when we think of success, we all think of the kind of week that Gaetz is having.
Gaetz is also trying to play stand up comedian, to the point that the clinically deranged Marjorie Taylor Greene said Gaetz has her “dying laughing.” That is, of course, when Greene wasn’t busy comparing mask-wearing to the Holocaust. Gaetz sure can pick allies.
The bottom line is that Matt Gaetz is clearly unwell. This week’s cooperation deals against him mean that 1) he’s going to be indicted and arrested, 2) he’ll end up on criminal trial, 3) he’ll have a really challenging time trying to win at trial, and 4) he’s going to prison for the bulk of his life if he loses at trial. Yet instead of hunkering down and trying to save his own life, he’s out there taking a hallucinatory victory lap. Good luck with that.
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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report