Matt Gaetz also has coronavirus, amid worsening outbreak in Donald Trump’s orbit

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Last night Bloomberg broke the news that Donald Trump’s White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has coronavirus. Then it came out that he was one of six people in Trump’s immediate orbit who have recently tested positive – and it started to look like Trump’s election night party at the White House may have been a super spreader event.

Now Politico is reporting that Republican Congressman and close Trump ally Matt Gaetz has coronavirus. I wouldn’t wish this awful virus on anyone. But this should serve as a reminder that people like Gaetz and Mark Meadows aren’t just risking their political futures by sticking with Trump, they’re risking their lives too.

At a time when Donald Trump is circling the drain, his allies and underlings each have to decide how long they want to stick around for the clown show. This new White House coronavirus outbreak couldn’t come at a worse time for Trump, as it gives his hangers-on an excuse to cut the cord rather than riding the sinking ship to the bottom.

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