Mary Trump

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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report

Come Inauguration Day, there should be a Trump in the White House. No, not that one. Obviously, Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, meaning he’s going to be kicked out on Inauguration Day.

Instead, I mean Mary Trump — Donald’s niece. Mary Trump, apart from her unfortunate familial connection to Donald, is known for being a PhD in psychology and the author of “Too Much and Never Enough,” which is an inside look at Donald and the rest of the Trump family as told from her perspective. She, better than possibly anybody else on earth, knows the inner workings of a Trump mind.

And that gets me to my point: President-elect Joe Biden should have Mary Trump somewhere in his White House team. Why? Because she has the skills and expertise to help the Biden administration maximize its fighting power against Trump, which in turn would help dismantle Trumpism at large. Having Mary in Biden’s administration would do double duty, too—it would enrage Donald. Knowing that his malcontent niece is spending her days in his former White House with the express task to de-Trump the US would probably be enough to send him into a KFC-fueled tweet rampage the likes of which we’ve never seen. That would be satisfying.

If you aren’t convinced yet, let me try framing this another way. Think back to World War II, for example. Who proved to be invaluable sources of information about the goings-on behind enemy lines? Defectors. In essence, Mary Trump is a Trump family defector. She’s seen the other side with its guard down, behind closed doors, while they’re at their Trumpiest. Her value as a Trump defector and as a psychologist cannot be overlooked.

Joe Biden has begun assembling what appears to be an excellent White House team. Adding Mary Trump to the team would take the Biden administration a big step further towards assembling a true dream team.

We're expanding our efforts against the Trump regime on the editorial and activism fronts. Help us win the fight:
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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report