Mary Trump calls for Donald Trump to be sent to the Hague

We need to raise $1285 in the next 24 hours to keep the fight going against Trump. We must fight back as aggressively as possible. Trump and his henchmen are trying to destroy our democracy. Click here to donate whatever you can.

Donald Trump has committed so many different kinds of crimes, from money laundering to obstruction of justice to espionage, it’ll be difficult to figure out what to put him on trial for first once he’s out of office. But Trump’s decision to kidnap and imprison immigrant children is the kind of crime against humanity that may require a different kind of criminal justice.

On Tuesday night NBC News reported that the Trump regime still hasn’t reunited 545 of the kidnapped immigrant children with their parents because it didn’t bother to keep track of their parents. This means Donald Trump has permanently kidnapped these kids.

After the news broke, Mary Trump tweeted this: “Traversing thousands of miles of dangerous territory to seek a better life for your family in a country of immigrants should not be punished by having your children stolen from you forever. This is evil, this is un-American, this cannot stand. #VOTE #TheHague”

“The Hague” is a clear reference to the International Court of Justice, where Donald Trump would go to be tried for violating international law by kidnapping and imprisoning these children. We’re not sure Trump will ever get to the Hague for trial, considering the prison time he’ll be facing in the U.S. for his crimes. But we’ve nonetheless reached the point where Trump’s own niece is calling for him to be sent to the Hague for trial – and she’s right.

We need to raise $1285 in the next 24 hours to keep the fight going against Trump. We must fight back as aggressively as possible. Trump and his henchmen are trying to destroy our democracy. Click here to donate whatever you can.