Mark Meadows is imploding in real time

The January 6 committee is doing a great job, and the Trump sycophants are losing their minds. This is rather amusing to watch. Actually, it is MORE than funny. It’s a laugh-fest. Mark Meadows, who is imploding in real-time, is now reduced to begging the court to stop the big bad committee from doing its job.
Meadows is suing them, and he is suing Speaker Pelosi. Oh, is this getting good. A frantic Meadows wants the court to block the committee’s subpoena from being enforced.
Why the heck would a court do that? But it is not only that. Meadows is putting the C in cowardly as he begs the court to block his phone records from being released.
What are you hiding, Mr. Meadows? The hysterical thing about this whole bizarro situation is that tons of information has been handed over already from Meadows. Apparently, he had a change of heart.
Watching this all play out is incredibly entertaining, so I suggest you grab your popcorn and gather round to view the insanity first-hand. And one thing is almost assured. There is plenty more where that came from. Imagine what will happen when others are called.
Imagine the ear-splitting shrieks of a Mr. Jim Jordan when it is his turn. Will he comply? Will he testify? Will we all go deaf when we hear his screams of dismay?
How about the big cheese himself? Will he lock himself in Mar-a-Lago’s gold-plated bathroom? Will he hide out in a McDonald’s parking lot? Will he hop a plane to visit his buddy Putin in Russia? Who knows. So tune in as the never-ending tacky, and utterly ridiculous reality show of cowardice continues at a computer screen near you.
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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report