Mark Meadows gets caught in the act

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In an interesting turn of events, Washington Post reported that Mark Meadows has been removed from the voter rolls in North Carolina amid an investigation about possible voter fraud he committed in 2020, not that this news should surprise anyone. He was up to his waist in the big lie that the 2020 election was fraudulent, but that is not what has Meadows in trouble. Election officials in North Carolina discovered that Meadows voted using an address at which he never lived. Funny how the tables turn on those who go out of their way to lie. They went on ad nauseum about people voting twice, people voting in dead people’s names, and anything else they could come up with. Yet, Meadows and everyone else who helped Donald Trump perpetrate his lie are the real frauds.

When the elections board in North Carolina got wind of Meadows’ fraud, they opened an investigation, which WaPo reported on last month. According to that piece, Ashley Welch, district attorney, referred the matter to the Department of Justice’s Special Prosecutions Section, and they immediately began their investigation. Meadows knew what he was doing, and he knew he was wrong. He apparently filed his registration three weeks before the deadline in North Carolina, listing his home as a trailer in Scaly Mountain, NC. Now, we all know Mark Meadows is not living in a damned trailer. He is far too uppity. New Yorker magazine reporting that Meadows neither owned nor lived in the property. Just wow. The article went on to identify to whom the trailer and property belong, and she is a retail manager at Lowe’s. She responded to New Yorker’s inquiry that “she had no idea Meadows had listed the home as his address in his voter registration form.” Of course, she didn’t. He likely just chose some random location that he thought was unoccupied. The nerve of this man. He went along with Trump’s scheme to remain in the White House while he knowingly and willingly committed voter fraud in his home state. If anyone thinks Trump or any of his cronies are innocent, they had better think again. Hell, someone needs to check Trump’s voter registration.

Donald Trump and anyone associated with him continue to show their criminal intent. What is most startling is that they went about their devious behavior as if everything was normal, and for them, it probably was. You best believe Trump is knee-deep in everything that happened on and leading up to January 6, and one Capitol rioter has blamed him in court. The Guardian reported that Dustin Byron Thompson, who stole a coat rack from the Capitol, did not deny his culpability; however, his lawyer told the Court that they intend to prove that Trump authorized the attack. Thompson’s attorney, Samuel Shamansky, told the Court that Trump “engaged in a sinister plot” that encouraged others to “do his dirty work.” That sounds about right, but let’s be clear: Trump, Meadows, and many others had no qualms about getting their own hands dirty in their quest to defraud this nation.

Dear Palmer Report family: we need $2833 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate whatever you can.