Marjorie Taylor Greene just made the Matt Gaetz scandal even uglier

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It just doesn’t end. The infighting between various republican mutants is getting worse — not better. In that regard, there is some news. Failed Disney experiment Marjorie Taylor Greene appears enraged that the ethics report on dirty Matt Gaetz reportedly doing VEREE dirty things might soon be released to the general public. Now she’s making threats.

Greene has said that if anyone DARES to release this report, she will expose “secret sexual payoffs” by other Republicans. This is not a joke. Sex, lies, and videotape have come to the GOP.

“For my Republican colleagues in the House and Senate. If we are going to release ethics reports and rip apart our own that trump has appointed, then put it ALL out there for the American people to see.”

“All your sexual harassment and assault claims that were secretly settled paying off victims with tax payer money.”

“If we’re going to dance, let’s dance in the sunlight. I’ll make sure we do.”

Oh my! What is she talking about? Were there secret payoffs by other Republicans we do not know about? Greene certainly seems to be implying that there were.

Of course, taking Greene’s word for anything is always tricky. Jewish space lasers, anyone?

Still — this is getting quite dicey. Republicans are at each other throats. This now is a daily occurrence.

I suppose Greene will have to put her money where her mouth is on this one because, by golly, that report WILL come out. These things ALWAYS do.

And when it does, all hell will likely break loose. So Greene may be talking out of her ass but then again, maybe not. Perhaps she knows some stuff about other Republicans. Perhaps we will soon see this stuff as well.

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