Marjorie Taylor Greene is angry

Marjorie Taylor Greene is angry. As Palmer Report has previously laid out, A Judge ruled that the complaint challenging her re-election candidacy could go forward. We were very happy to hear this joyous news. However, one person was not and wasted no time having an epic melt-down. This person was Greene herself.
Greene spoke to Fox non-news, of course. I say “of course” because they were likely the only network that would not ask her the hard questions. And Greene is right to be worried because Greene – for the first time EVER — is being held accountable.
She will have to testify under oath. She will be asked tough questions. She will be GRILLED about all her immoral actions and words. And the Press is allowed in the courtroom. All of this is set to happen Friday. And Greene likely knows she’s toast, which is why she has descended into a quivering bag of wind.
Accusing Democrats of trying to “sell a lie,” Greene honestly appeared shaken. And I will admit, for this writer, it was glorious to see.
What options does Greene have? Well — she could try and lie under oath. Only I would not do that if I were her (and thank goodness I’m not). If Greene were to lie, that would open her up to perjury charges. Tell the truth? Admit President Biden won the election? I do not see her doing that. Besides, I am unsure whether the truth and Greene have ever been introduced.
So what WILL America’s iciest harridan choose to do? Will she lie? Will she tell the truth? Will she flee the country? I’ve no idea. But it will certainly be interesting to find out.