Wait, Marco Rubio just said WHAT about Donald Trump’s impeachment?

This afternoon Mitt Romney became the first Republican Senator to publicly attack Donald Trump for having tried to conspire with China to rig the 2020 election, calling it “appalling.” Even as Romney was taking this stand for obviously selfish reasons, his colleague Marco Rubio tried taking a stand of his own – only to trip and fall all over himself.
If you watched Marco Rubio during the 2016 Republican primary race, you saw that even among a fairly dimwitted GOP field, Rubio stood out as being particularly lacking when it comes to intellectual firepower. That’s a nice way of saying he’s a naive dummy who’s in over his head. Sure enough, when Rubio was asked during a press conference today about Trump’s new China scandal, he gave an answer that was so bizarre and clueless, we almost felt bad for him.
Marco Rubio spent a full thirty-five seconds trying to convince everyone that Donald Trump was joking when he urged China to help him smear Biden. No really, this is the position that Rubio is taking. He seems to think that if he pretends for now that Trump didn’t really mean what he said in front of the TV cameras yesterday, then Rubio won’t have to take a position on Trump’s impeachment yet.
So there you have it. Marco Rubio is trying to punt on the issue of Donald Trump’s impeachment for now, so he can wait to see what some of his GOP Senate colleagues do, and then he can make the safe play accordingly. That’s logical enough. What’s surreal is that Rubio thinks anyone is going to buy the notion that he honestly believes Trump is joking. Rubio was one step away from saying he couldn’t take a position on the matter because his dog ate his homework. Watch Rubio flail and fail here.