Donald Trump cuts and runs after his Mar-a-Lago voter fraud scandal is exposed

Earlier this year Donald Trump abruptly announced that he was changing his legal residence from New York to Florida. As a practical matter it didn’t change anything, because he’s been living in Washington DC the entire time. But as a legal matter, things have taken a surprisingly ugly turn for him – including voter fraud.

Donald Trump changed his legal residence to Mar-a-Lago. But it turns out he can’t legally reside there, due to a preexisting legal arrangement with the city of Palm Beach, Florida. This means that by definition Trump is not a Mar-a-Lago, and when he voted in the Florida Republican primary earlier this year while using Mar-a-Lago as his address, he committed voter fraud. It gets worse.

After the Washington Post exposed Trump’s Mar-a-Lago voter fraud scheme over the weekend, Trump has suddenly withdrawn a proposal to build a new dock at the resort.

In our view, this is rather clearly an attempt on Trump’s part at taking the heat off himself. He’s hoping that by pulling the plug on the dock, the media will decide there’s no longer a story here, and move on. But the reality is that by legal definition, Trump doesn’t reside at Mar-a-Lago, meaning he committed voter fraud when he used the resort’s address while registering to vote in Florida. Not that we expect Florida to prosecute him, but this does poke huge holes in Trump’s phony argument that Democrats are the ones who are somehow committing voter fraud against him.

Note: We still need to raise $300 TODAY to keep the fight going against Trump. Trump and his henchmen are trying to destroy our democracy. We must fight back. Click here to donate what you can