Donald Trump’s “MAGA Night” just went bust

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On Saturday morning, Donald Trump complained about the protesters who had been outside the White House the night before, and he asserted that it would be “MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE” on Saturday night. It was a clear call on his part for his racist supporters to show up and harass or assault the protesters.

Here’s the thing, though. Saturday night has now come and gone. Lots of terrible, tragic, ugly things happened around the country on Saturday night. But the one thing that didn’t happen? According to various reporters and protesters on the ground outside the White House, Trump’s “MAGA” supporters never did show up in any numbers.

Donald Trump’s racist goons prefer to do their dirty work in the shadows, anonymously slipping into contentious protest situations and acting as outside agitators. But when Trump asked them to step into the national spotlight outside his own White House, they didn’t heed the call. Trump’s bullies are cowards, just like he is. Donald Trump’s “MAGA Night” predictably went bust.

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