Madison Cawthorn is spiraling out of control

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There is a mistaken belief among many men that character in men means “toughness.” Perhaps it has to do with all the action films and Western flicks that grace our screens. For many, the “Alpha male” is the perfect picture of what a man should be. These “cool men” never get upset, nor do they cry. I use the term “cool men” as a tribute to the book “Gone Girl,” where author Gillian Flynn talks about “cool women.”

There is a picture in a mind or two (or thousands) of a tough, leather-clad dude, secure in his testosterone-fueled masculinity, unwilling to break, unable to show sensitivity. In reality, this type of man is not what women seek. Most women gravitate toward men who are nurturing and kind. They adore men who can cry and show their emotions.

The “silent, tough cowboy” is a myth. The ability to show sensitivity is the mark of a man secure in himself and who he is. We need more of this type of man. We need less of the other kind — like Madison Cawthorn.

This is my second article about Madison Cawthorn in just a few days. But this article needed to be written. Madison Cawthorn is a monster. These last few months have seen an uptick in his violent rhetoric. But I must confess even I was surprised by his latest tangent. And it was about masculinity.

Everybody should be terrified about what Cawthorn said, but it IS a look inside the mind of a deeply disturbed human being.

Cawthorn has announced that society wants to “de-masculate” young men. He also said these words: “All you moms here — the ones who I said are the most vicious in our movement — if you are raising a young man, please raise them to be a monster.”

Cawthorn is dangerous. And he’s a sad figure as well because I do not doubt that, unlike so many GOP members who just go along with the crowd, Cawthorn most likely BELIEVES his own odious words.

Sigmund Freud would have had a great time with one such as Cawthorn. However, I do believe the time has come for action in regards to this man. Because make no mistake about it — THIS man wants even more raw power. We need to make sure Cawthorn and his “toxic masculinity” are voted out for good.

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