Mad as hell

Much knowledge can be gleaned from books. And the other night, I finished one that told me a great deal — about Republicans. The subject of this book was women. I’d describe it as “The Handmaid’s tale meets Lord of the flies.”
In this dystopian novel, women were both hated and feared, seen as enchanted beings, with the power to destroy men with a mere raising of the eyebrow. That is perhaps why in this dystopian world, men ran everything, from who the lady townspeople married to how they dressed.
There are many books like this, and they are not so unrealistic. The fact is that Republican men both hate women and fear them. That makes sense, for there is rarely hate without fear. They’re two sides of the same coin.
Perhaps that is why the men of the GOP do it. We, the women of this country are strangers to them, some enchanted beings they neither understand nor care for. And these are the types of men that fear what they do not know and cannot understand.
That might be why these imperviously cold and sterile men seek to control women, to hold them back by any method of control available to them. But women are used to fighting for rights, long denied them. And they do this through determination – and anger. And according to a new poll, some women are VERY angry.
A new poll is out and it’s bad news for the GOP. It shows that at least one in eight VOTERS count abortion As their TOP issue. The ones who say this. Black women. Young voters. Middle-aged voters.
Axios says: “It’s further evidence of how the overturning of Roe V. Wade has fired up the reproductive health debate and left abortion foes struggling to respond.” Also: “The findings point to the emergence of a new generation of abortion voters.”
Nearly 30 percent of black women count abortion as their most important issue. This issue has the power to ruin the Republican Party. These poll results are good news for our side.
They also highlight the feelings of women who DO NOT want to see themselves as the property of a bunch of withered old republican men who know as much about women as they do about how to run the government — which is to say — not a damn thing.