Rudy Giuliani caught lying about his coronavirus

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Rudy Giuliani (or whoever is tweeting for him) is now claiming that he’s “recovering quickly” from coronavirus. No he’s not. He’s clearly getting worse, or he wouldn’t have been admitted to the hospital today. No one is hospitalized because they’re getting better; he’s obviously lying. Trump and his people are still lying to us every step of the way.

It still hasn’t been reported when Giuliani tested positive. But if he’s sick enough today to have been hospitalized, then he’s likely had worsening symptoms for days. So either he tested positive days ago and tried to cover it up, or he had symptoms and didn’t get tested until he was sick enough to need hospitalization.

This kind of coverup can’t be allowed to stand. Rudy Giuliani is not a private citizen. He’s the attorney for the President of the United States, and he’s engaged in an active crime spree by conspiring with Republican legislators to try to illegally overturn the results of the election. If Rudy knowingly exposed people to coronavirus, he did it within the context of a larger criminal conspiracy.

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