Donald Trump goes berserk after realizing he’s “losing everywhere”

If you had the misfortune to watch Donald Trump’s embarrassing press conference today, you know he’s losing whatever little he might have had left of his mental competence and cognitive abilities. Part of the reason Trump is losing it: he’s flat out losing.
At no point during the entire 2020 election cycle has Donald Trump had completive numbers against Joe Biden. But thanks to Trump’s dishonest and disastrous mishandling of the pandemic and the resulting economic collapse, the ugliness of Trump’s numbers is a bit more pronounced. Also, Trump just recently learned that his internal poll numbers are terrible, after his political handlers were apparently misleading him all along into believing that he was winning.
Now that Trump has finally soured on his long-useless campaign manager Brad Parscale, he’s trying to settle on someone new to take the reins. The trouble: Trump either doesn’t know any new people, or there are no new people who are willing to take over his sinking ship. So instead, Vanity Fair says Trump is trying to decide between the likes of Mike Pence flunky Nick Ayers and 2016 washout Corey Lewandowski. That’s like trying to get rid of the chicken pox by trying to decide whether to replace it with the mumps or the measles.
Meanwhile, Vanity Fair says that Donald Trump wants to know why he’s “losing everywhere.” That answer is simple: he’s a terrible candidate, he’s done a terrible job in office, most Americans hate him, and the country is falling apart while he spends his time making the political equivalent of belching noises. But Trump can’t blame himself, so he has to scapegoat whoever is left, while bringing back other people he’s already previously scapegoated. This is pathetic.