Donald Trump officially loses Hope

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,183 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

Since tendering her resignation weeks ago, Trump has lost Hope and is surrounded by never ending change. Today, “President” Trump said good-by to Hope Hicks as she officially departed the White House grounds yesterday. By many accounts, Hope served as a lucky charm to Trump, as she’s been at his side since 2014. The President-elect was so enamored with Hope after the campaign, he created a position just for her as “White House Director of Strategic Communications” and gave her the highest salary legally allowed for staff members at $179,700 per year. Trump’s former strategist Steve Bannon and his former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus were also awarded the highly coveted salary. Apparently, white lies aren’t cheap ,and Trump makes sure that the taxpayers pay top dollar for all of his “strategic communications.”

Now, without Hope, the only thing left in Trump’s White House is never ending change. The Trump administration currently holds a record breaking turnover rate, which only serves to reinforce the fact that Trump is embarrassingly unqualified to even manage a small temp agency, let alone the entire United States government.

Considering the number of well paid positions currently occupied by the most unqualified people Trump could hire, plus the positions still waiting to be filled, combined with the amount of “Executive Time” Trump spends getting his national intelligence briefings from Fox News, it’s safe to say that even Trump has no idea what to do or expect while waiting for his next round of instructions from Putin.

Donald Trump’s first round of staff picks were so dimwitted, they had to conduct official business in the dark because they literally had no idea how to turn on the lights. Now the lights are on and no one seems to be home. Thanks to Mueller’s investigation, it appears that Hope has left the building, and hope will be restored to millions of Americans.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,183 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer