Looks like Donald Trump’s name is about to come off yet another building
This article, my friends, is about anger but NOT — for a change — about the anger of Donald John Trump. No, this is about another group of people who are angry and readily making their anger known. They are angry and demanding change.
THE TRUMP PLAZA. This New York high-rise, known as THE TRUMP PLAZA, has been a topic of discussion. The owners, feeling the weight of public sentiment, are reportedly considering a name change. It’s a decision that seems inevitable, given the current climate.
Reports are that the owners are currently in the midst of a crucial vote — an important vote that could potentially strip the building of its Trump Plaza title. If this vote does swing in favor of a name change, it would mark yet another significant blow for Donald Trump. This is becoming a daily thing.
This towering high-rise structure, nestled in the New York City suburb of New Rochelle, has become a symbol of local sentiment toward Donald Trump. Many residents are vocal about their desire for a name change, reflecting their less-than-favorable views of the former president and current asshole.
“The devil himself.” Well — THAT’S not exactly subtle! That is what a local towns-person called the orange blob.
The condo board has said that a majority support a new name for the high rise. Others who don’t live in the building but do live in town also said they support the name change, basically saying: why didn’t it happen sooner?
“I’ve been saying that for a couple of years now.”
“I never liked him personally.”
It looks like this vote might succeed. And whatever the NEW name of this high-rise is, one thing is certain. it’s GOT to be better than what they have right now.
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