Look who’s talking

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Wisconsin, also known as the Dairy State is located in the Great Lakes region of the Upper Midwest. Wisconsin was admitted to the Union on May 29, 1848. Its largest metropolitan area is the city of Milwaukee.

Milwaukee is the 31st most popular city in the United States. With dazzling attractions such as the Milwaukee Art Museum, the Milwaukee River Walk, and the Discovery World Art Museum, Milwaukee has an exceptional arts and entertainment scene. Milwaukee is known for many things, including its festivals and breweries, and we can’t forget the cheese curds!

Yes, Milwaukee is an exceptional city. And Donald Trump hates this lovely city. Donald Trump despises Milwaukee. Don’t take MY word for it. Listen to the great traitor himself — because Donald Trump has just SAID out loud he hates the city where Republicans plan to have their convention.

Frantic Republicans are working overtime trying to fix yet another mess the traitor has made. Trump, reportedly said to Republicans: “Milwaukee, where we are having our convention is a horrible city.”

Way to go, Donnie! There’s nothing like telling the city hosting your convention that you can’t stand them. Naturally, Democrats are having a great day with this stupid comment. Democratic Rep Gwen Moore of Wisconsin said:

“I am certain he will discover that Milwaukee is a wonderful, vibrant, and welcoming city full of diverse neighborhoods and a thriving business community, ONCE HE’S SETTLED IN WITH HIS PAROLE OFFICER.”

Good one.

Even the medi, got in on the fun. Check out these headlines:

“Trump calls Milwaukee, host for the 2024 RNC horrible city.” – Milwaukee Journal

“Republicans in panic mode after trump trashes Milwaukee.” – The New Republic

“Donald Trump dumps on Milwaukee.” – The Atlantic

On Twitter, the social media halls were alive with the sound of Wisconsinites who proudly defended their great city and told Donald Trump to take a long walk off a short pier:

“Heck of a way to get wiconsin’s vote.”

“Little baby man.”

“Put the pig in jail!”

“Have the convention at Rikers.”

In reality, Milwaukee, home of many a dairy stater, is a beautiful, vibrant metropolis, an exciting, diverse grab-bag of cultures, ideas, and histories, a fascinating city that millions flock to every year.

The fact that Donald Trump doesn’t know this is astonishing. The fact that Donald Trump SAID THIS out loud shows what a fool he is. Hopefully, Milwaukee will tell him how MUCH of a fool he is at the voting booth.

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