Lock them up!

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There have been lots of worries about what will happen after the election. Say the election’s over, and we have a President Harris. Will some mischievous MAGA losers try not to certify the election, throwing the whole thing into chaos?

Probably not. Law enforcement and election officials have notified these wingnuts that if they DO NOT certify the election, they could face criminal charges and potential prison. One such person is the Michigan Secretary of State. Jocelyn Benson said:

“The law is clear, and we won’t tolerate anyone not following it.”

“There are times and places for challenging elections results.”

“The certification process is not one of them.”

Reuters reports that in at least five swing states, people who refused to certify in the past, have been investigated and, in some cases, jailed for not following the letter of the law and adhering to the certification process.

As you know, Georgia, in particular, has faced scrutiny as some MAGA members of their election board tried to put in place new and artificial rules to get out of certifying the 2024 election. A Georgia Judge threw out these rules.

So, please do not worry. Look, MAGA is a bunch of slugs, that is true. They’re a motley crew who will lose their ever-loving minds if their cult leader and orange criminal savior does not win.And he will not.

But they can no longer hurt us. Indeed, MAGA’s numbers have been dwindling, and there is no escape for them in terms of accepting the election results. It’s not something to invest a lot of emotional energy and time in worrying about. Indeed, the only thing MAGA faces AFTER the election, if they try anything stupid is prison.

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