Lindsey Graham’s violent pro-Trump tweet today reveals just how dangerously far over the edge he is

Earlier today, Senator Lindsey Graham posted a tweet urging Donald Trump to “smash some windows, rob a few shops and punch a cop” in order to avoid being criminally charged in New York. Seven hours later, the tweet is still there, and Graham appears to still have access to his account.
Graham now claims he was being sarcastic with his tweet, which we all sort of get, but that’s irrelevant. Graham is a United States Senator who’s using the power of his office to urge a criminal defendant to violently assault law enforcement officers in specific fashion during his surrender and arraignment process.
Graham would probably have to keep tweeting things like this before the Manhattan DA could prove intent and get an incitement charge to stick against him. But Graham is already coming perilously close to the edge. Last night he appeared on Fox News, yelling and cursing while appearing to be crying, while issuing an incoherent defense of Trump.
It never is entirely clear is Lindsey Graham is truly psychotically unraveling, or if he’s always been this far gone and just used to hide it better. Either way, Graham needs to be careful. He’s been corruptly cheerleading for Trump for years. But this is the first time that Trump has been a defendant in the criminal justice system. That means Graham’s unhinged pro-Trump tweets carry a different context – particularly when he’s publicly urging Trump to violently resist arrest.
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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report