Lindsey Graham just gave something away

When Lindsey Graham refused to get tested for coronavirus ahead of the Senate debate in South Carolina, forcing the debate to be canceled, Palmer Report and others pointed out that this meant Graham feared he had coronavirus – and if he tested positive, his campaign and the Barrett hearing would go down the tubes.

It’s one thing to fear you have coronavirus, and fear a public test result. It’s another thing to know you have coronavirus, which is the only reason you’d be willing to expose yourself to people who also have it. During today’s Senate hearings, Graham stood right next to sick and contagious Senator Mike Lee, even though Lee’s mask didn’t cover his nose.

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell put it this way on Twitter: “Why isn’t Graham socially distancing from covid patient Mike Lee? Does Graham think he can’t get infected because he already is infected?” He’s absolutely right. Lindsey Graham just gave away that he has coronavirus. How many others in the media will call Graham out for this?

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