Lindsey Graham is in the midst of a full scale meltdown

Now that Lindsey Graham has been caught abusing his position as Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman to try to criminally rig the presidential election, he’s become even more of a national pariah, and he’ll potentially face felony charges from the post-Trump DOJ. Most people in his position would decide to lie low and hope it blows over. But Graham, being mentally unstable to begin with, is now egging everyone on.
Lindsey Graham has spent the day mocking the elected officials who have called for his resignation, and is tweeting things like “To those who are trying to silence me – you will fail miserably!”
Lindsey sounds like a guy yelling “You haven’t heard the last of me” while he’s being dragged out by his heels by the authorities. Things just keep turning more sharply against Graham, and he… seems to be enjoying it? We don’t know when or how this will end for him, but we do know that it won’t end well for him. It never does for these types.