Lindsey Graham all but begs Donald Trump for a pardon

– After getting caught committing felony election tampering, Lindsey Graham just posted a tweet praising Trump’s bizarre troop withdrawals. Notably, this comes even after Mitch McConnell spoke out sharply against the troop withdrawals. It couldn’t be more clear that Graham is begging Trump for a federal pardon on his way out the door. But Graham may have violated state law too. And really, does Lindsey think he can survive in the Senate for long after accepting a pardon for having tried to rig an election?
– Nevada’s Governor and Secretary of State have both publicly confirmed that they did not speak with Lindsey Graham about ballot counting. Assuming they’re both telling the truth, just who in Nevada did Graham speak to? Graham now claims he can’t recall. Hoo boy.
– Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani is getting destroyed in court right now. Rudy should get used to it. He’ll be on criminal trial before much longer.
– If Rudy Giuliani is getting paid $20,000 a day to represent Donald Trump this poorly in court, then I should be able to get at least $20,000 for this here ham sandwich.