Donald Trump launches berserk attack on Lindsey Graham after SCOTUS rules on his tax returns

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Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that Donald Trump’s tax returns must be turned over to the New York grand jury that’s in the process of criminally indicting him, Trump is lashing out in all directions on Twitter. One particular oddity: Trump is singling out Lindsey Graham as somehow being partially at fault for all of this.

Trump falsely claimed that Barack Obama and Joe Biden “GOT CAUGHT” spying on his 2016 campaign, and he’s very upset that there has been “No Republican Senate Judiciary response” to this. To be clear, the Senate Judiciary Committee is chaired by Lindsey Graham. If there were to be a sham Senate investigation into the imaginary “spy gate” scandal, Graham would be the one initiating it.

Graham keeps flirting with the idea of abusing his position to launch sham investigations aimed at helping Trump’s reelection prospects, but thus far it hasn’t really gone anywhere. Graham is facing a tough reelection battle of his own in South Carolina, so it’s not surprising that Graham has recently distanced himself from Trump in a few different ways – including defending NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace after Trump attacked him in racist fashion.

In any case, Donald Trump has reached the “publicly attack your own friends because they’re not sticking their necks out enough for you as you implode” stage of his downfall. It’ll only get worse for him from here.

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