Mike Pence’s lies just got him sucked into Donald Trump’s latest scandal

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Mike Pence seems to think that if he keeps playing dumb about Donald Trump’s mounting scandals, he’ll get to inherit the presidency once Trump is eventually ousted from office. The trouble with that strategy is that it keeps getting Pence sucked into Trump’s scandals, in a way that could leave Pence too compromised to take the office, or to hold it for very long.

Case in point: Donald Trump’s porn star scandal has now become a campaign finance violation scandal. Trump appears to have illegally used campaign money to pay off adult film actress Stormy Daniels. Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen is now trying to take the hit himself, by claiming that he paid the six figure payoff out of his own pocket and that Trump had nothing to do with it.

No one believes this, and it’s really a de facto admission that the entire Trump porn scandal is very much real. That brings us back to Mike Pence. He’s overseas right now trying to look presidential. Of course he keeps getting asked about Trump’s various scandals. Unfortunately for Pence, his answers are getting sloppier. When asked by traveling reporters about the Daniels scandal, Pence replied that he had no comment “on the latest baseless allegations against the President.” Oops. That’s a lie, and it’s a problem for him.

See, Mike Pence just threw himself into the fire on this by insisting that the Trump-Daniels scandal is “baseless.” Even Donald Trump’s own attorney acknowledged yesterday that the scandal is very much real, when he tried to take the fall himself. Pence has now been sucked into this scandal by his own doing, and it’s going to blow back on him once the ugly details come out.

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