Legal experts point to the newly reported detail that ensures Donald Trump is going down

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

Even as Donald Trump tries making absurd legal filings that aren’t going to help him, the DOJ is now two weeks into processing the classified documents it seized from Trump’s home. Trump could be indicted tomorrow or next year, but the point is that we’re on indictment watch. And now a new detail has surfaced which helps ensure Trump is indeed going down.

Last night the New York Times reported that after the Feds asked Donald Trump to return the classified documents in late 2021, he personally went through the boxes of documents, and decided to return some of them but not others. Check out what the legal experts have to say:

This new revelation overwhelmingly wipes out any reasonable doubt argument that Trump could have made about not having understood that the documents were classified when he took them, or claiming that staffers stole the documents and put them in his basement without his knowledge. Even if those things were true, they stopped being relevant once the Feds informed Trump that he was in illegal possession of the documents, and he looked over the documents but decided not to give some of them back.

It’ll be interesting to eventually learn who in Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago orbit is giving up these details to the media and to the Feds. It could be anyone from a family member, to a visiting Republican politician, to a building employee. But it has to be someone close enough to Trump to have witnessed him rummaging through boxes of classified documents in his basement. No wonder Trump tried so hard to get the name unsealed of whoever is cooperating against him. Trump wants to know who has sent him to prison.

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer