LeBron James just threw a monkey wrench in Donald Trump’s latest election scheme

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When the people of Florida passed a referendum allowing ex-felons to vote, the Republicans in the state were so scared of it, they’ve spent years trying to find ways to sabotage it. Florida’s corrupt Republican Governor Ron DeSantis seemed to score a victory when the Supreme Court unconstitutionally ruled that he could block ex-felons from voting who still owe monetary fines.

But now it’s LeBron James to the rescue. He and his foundation are making a six figure donation to pay the fines of ex-felons, thus clearing the way for them to vote. This may not sound like a huge amount of money, but most of these fines are relatively small to begin with; it’s just that ex-felons often struggle to find employment, and thus can’t afford to pay even small fines.

This is not a partisan move on LeBron’s part. He’s not asking which candidate these ex-felons are going to vote for before he pays their fines. But the Republicans, by trying so hard to keep these folks from voting, have already made clear that they expect these voters to skew toward the Democratic Party. It’s why Donald Trump has had his flunky DeSantis fighting this all along. Now LeBron has foiled Trump’s scheme.

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