Donald Trump begins laying people off, privately admits it’s over for him

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Donald Trump is still publicly insisting that he’s “contesting” the election result, in a rather blatant attempt at fundraising money and putting it in his own pocket. But behind the scenes, things are looking very different for Trump.

First, CNN says that Trump has begun laying off his 2020 campaign staff. Sure, the election is over, and he was going to have to lay them off eventually. But Trump is publicly claiming that the election is still ongoing and in dispute, even as he’s laying off his own people – which tells you where his head is.

In addition, CNN is separately reporting that Trump is now starting to admit in private that it’s over and that he’s going to have to leave office at the end of his term. Trump is apparently still not planning to formally concede, but he will acknowledge that he’s (in his mind unfairly) been named the loser and that it’s over. This helps underscore the reality that Trump was never going to be able to just magically remain in office after he lost.

This comes even as Trump allies ranging from Karl Rove to Sheldon Adelson are now publicly telling him that it’s over, and even Trump’s biggest cheerleader is now publicly telling Trump to go ahead and start the transition to Biden. The walls are closing in on Trump, and he knows it.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now: