Lauren Boebert falls to pieces

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Being a politician is no easy task. There are places to go and people to see. There are babies to kiss, speeches to make, and booze to consume. That last one is making a bit of news today. “Blotto.” Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert has already been having a tough time with her campaign, and this story probably will not help much.

Reportedly, Boebert was at a fundraiser late last year, and her behavior raised some eyebrows. “She’s blotto.” CNN and other sources are saying Boebert appeared so inebriated that the bartenders at the fundraiser refused to give her any more alcohol!

Clean and sober, she wasn’t. It all started at a fundraiser in New York. Servers reportedly concerned about the amount of booze Boebert was consuming said she’d been:

Such a lovely and polite way of saying “BLOTTO,” don’t you agree? They refused to give her any more alcohol. What’s also leaking out is that Boebert kept prancing around Donald Trump and tried to take selfies with him. Perhaps it was the booze.

People around Boebert are chalking this up not to Alcohol but to her “boisterous and loud personality.” Well, that’s a stupid excuse. Listen, many people in this world have had a few too many at some point.

Then again, nobody else in this world is Lauren Boebert, and these types of things keep happening to her. Boebert reportedly went to another bar that night with George Santos in tow. Now, THERE’S a team to contend with.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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