Here comes Robert Mueller’s last laugh

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Now that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is on a clear path to taking Donald Trump down, and Trump has abandoned his failed last-ditch efforts at stopping him, the mainstream media is doing what it always does in these situations: attempting to keep people tuned in by sowing doubt that doesn’t exist. The latest sell-job is the notion that Mueller might somehow end up exonerating Trump in the end. This alone should have Mueller laughing, and not simply because Trump is so obviously guilty.

The trendy new theory from the mainstream media, on the left and right, is that perhaps Robert Mueller is simply going to make a good show of it by busting some big names like Paul Manafort, and poking around a bit in Donald Trump’s back yard before ultimately announcing that he couldn’t find evidence Trump committed any crimes. If that were a realistic possibility, it would be enough to scare the crap out of anyone who thinks Trump needs to be ousted for his crimes for the good of the nation.

But all you have to do is take a look at Mueller’s biggest moves. Michael Flynn was facing charges like conspiracy against the United States and conspiracy to commit kidnapping which probably would have sent him to prison for the rest of his life. Yet Mueller let Flynn plead out to a single charge that’ll only require him to do a few years behind bars. Flynn was largely a lone wolf who wasn’t a part of Trump’s political clique. The only possible reason to cut a deal with Flynn is to get him to provide evidence and testimony against Trump himself.

While it initially appeared that Mueller cut a similarly lenient plea deal with Rick Gates in order to take Manafort down, Mueller has since revealed in court filings that he doesn’t need Gates to take down Manafort. In other words, he cut a deal with Gates in order to get evidence and testimony against Trump. If Mueller were merely looking to take down some big fish so he could make the case that he did something, why would he let his big fish off the hook with such lenient sentences? He wouldn’t. The idea that Mueller might exonerate Donald Trump is a laugh-out-loud one. The media’s decision to suddenly float this nonsense is merely a sign that Mueller is closer to getting to Trump than ever.

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