Donald Trump erupts in late night Twitter bender after Mike Pence quarantine controversy

This evening, Bloomberg broke the news that Mike Pence was under quarantine due to having been directly exposed to coronavirus. The Trump regime then announced that Pence was not under quarantine, and that he would be attending a White House meeting on Monday. This controversy seemed to trigger Donald Trump, who had already been having a whopper of a day.

Trump had already posted more than a hundred increasingly deranged tweets and retweets on Sunday, before seemingly tiring himself out during the early evening. But after the Pence controversy erupted, Trump went back to his Twitter rampage. He accused Barack Obama of being “the most corrupt President in history.” Then Trump yelled “He got caught, OBAMAGATE!” Then, just to make things even weirder, Donald Trump retweeted a video of an elderly man crossing the street for no apparent reason.

Donald Trump is clearly not well, and today’s events have triggered him even further. The reality is that by tomorrow Mike Pence will either officially be in coronavirus quarantine, or Pence will be breaking quarantine, and either way it’ll make for a news cycle that Trump is going to hate. This comes amid reports that the White House coronavirus outbreak is “rampant” – meaning Trump has to worry more than ever that he’ll be infected, if he hasn’t been already.

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