Donald Trump has one of his most deranged late night meltdowns yet

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Donald Trump had a really, really bad day today. The Brett Kavanaugh hearings got off to such a bad start for him, he was already trying to distract from them with a random rant about Harvey Weinstein by the time Kavanaugh was getting ready to speak. Bob Woodward’s new book has sent shockwaves across the political landscape, and is quickly threatening to tear Trump’s White House apart. By the end of the day, Trump went completely off the deep end, even by his standards.

Just before 11pm eastern time, Donald Trump tweeted this unhinged mess: “Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd of Fake NBC News said it’s time for the Press to stop complaining and to start fighting back. Actually Chuck, they’ve been doing that from the day I announced for President. They’ve gone all out, and I WON, and now they’re going CRAZY!” It’s never a good sign when the supposed President of the United States stays up half the night attacking the host of Meet The Press for his physical appearance, but as it turns out, this was just a warm up act.

The Trump tweet that reveals his true fear is this one: “The already discredited Woodward book, so many lies and phony sources, has me calling Jeff Sessions “mentally retarded” and “a dumb southerner.” I said NEITHER, never used those terms on anyone, including Jeff, and being a southerner is a GREAT thing. He made this up to divide!” Just eleven minutes after Trump attacked Chuck Todd for his looks, Trump suddenly wants us to believe that he would never attack anyone for their accent or what part of the country they were from.

The trouble for Donald Trump is that large chunks of his remaining base are in fact rural southerners. Even as they try to figure out whether to stand by him while his criminal scandals get worse and his behavior becomes more mentally deranged, the last thing Trump needs is for them to find out that he looks down on southerners. It’s the real reason Trump is frantically ranting about it in the middle of the night.

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