Donald Trump has berserk late night meltdown about his alleged stroke, can’t keep his story straight

Donald Trump has always been a deranged monster. But he used to be fairly decent at the art of the con. For instance, whenever there was a damaging news story about him, he’d create some other controversy that day, in order to take headlines away from the damaging scandal.
However, in the nine months since Trump’s mysterious Walter Reed visit, his cognitive abilities have been visibly in decline. These days, he often ends up erratically playing up the wrong controversy, thus ensuring that his most damaging scandal of the day gets the most attention. Perhaps fittingly, Trump displayed this once again today when he posted an idiotic tweet denying he’d had a stroke, thus setting off a huge national news cycle about him having had a stroke.
Now Trump is still at it tonight, digging himself a bigger hole. Here’s what Trump tweeted: “Mike Pence was never put on standby, & there were no mini-strokes. This is just more Fake News by @CNN, a phony story. The reason for the visit to Walter Reed, together with the full press pool, was to complete my yearly physical. Short visit, then returned (with press) to W.H…” Fifteen minutes later, he still hadn’t completed his thought.
There are several weird things about this tweet. First, this isn’t even a CNN story. CNN was merely relaying what the New York Times reported about Pence. And again, not a single news outlet has reported anything involving Trump and a stroke. He’s the one who put the “series of mini-strokes” out there. Also, Trump originally claimed that he went to Walter Reed to begin his annual physical three months early. Now he’s claiming it was to complete his annual physical. He can’t even keep his lies straight โ perhaps another sign of Trump’s cognitive decline.