Last one out of the Republican House, turn out the lights

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Nightmares are one of the most unpleasant experiences someone can have. When one is sleeping, they often do not have any control at all over who and what makes its way into their dreams. And sometimes the dreams one’s mind weaves can easily turn out to be nightmares.

There is, however, one thing worse than bad dreams while one is sleeping. That something is a bad dream when one is AWAKE. If the following story plays out the way it is being hinted at, then everything up to this point for the GOP House Caucus — every tear they cried, every issue, problem, conflict will look like small potatoes next to the gargantuan nightmare that could shortly be knocking on their psyches.

As you know Ken Buck has resigned, effective at the end of next week, leaving House GOP members panic-stricken as well they should be. This is because Buck is hinting that — more resignations will soon follow. As we said, the Republican majority is tiny now. Lose any more members and — well — who knows. We just might be looking at a Speaker, Jeffries.

Buck spoke to Axios. His words should curdle the blood of every useless Republican house member everywhere. “I think it’s the next three people that leave that they’re going to have to be worried about,” Buck told Axios.

And just like that — a nightmare was born. What three could it be? That could be hard to know as they ALL seem to be miserable. Republicans have already been speaking out as it relates to the House majority.

Rep. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania had some fierce words to say about the majority and his caucus. “I am concerned about the majority,” he said, adding, “I just wish the rest of our party was.”

Ouch! It’s true that many GOP House members are far, far too busy running around wildly like unleashed pitfalls, wreaking havoc, and fundraising off of Magats to really give a damn about a little thing like losing the majority.

Is it true? Will even MORE House members jump ship? It is certainly possible. If I were Mike Johnson (and thank GOODNESS — thank GOODNESS, readers, that I am not), I’d be doing some serious begging right now.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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