Kevin McCarthy’s worsening mess

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“Atrocious.” – “Utterly wrong.” – “I’ve had it with this guy.” These angry words were reportedly spoken about the lord of the lies, Donald Trump. What’s interesting is where these words came from. Because allegedly, it wasn’t the Democrats. These words were reportedly uttered by Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy.

This is according to a new book due out soon. It is called “This will not pass: Trump, Biden and the Battle for America’s future.” by Alexander Burns and Jonathan Martin. So let’s take a deep dive into the palace intrigue. Reportedly, Kevin McCarthy wanted to “push Mr. Trump to resign immediately.”

“I’ve had it with this guy,” Kevin raged. The turtle, too, was troubled, coming out of his thorny shell to admit impeachment was indeed warranted. The royal palace was angry, and their wanna-be king was their anger’s recipient.

But alas! Alas, these men were, after all, still cowardly courtiers at heart. And you know what happens with cowards. Their bark is often much worse than their bite — indeed, sometimes there isn’t any bite at all.

It would appear to be the case here. As you know, both men did an abrupt about-face pretty quickly. In the book, it says that both men feared “retribution” from the failed insurrectionist.

“I didn’t get to be leader by voting with five people in the conference,” the turtle allegedly said. Very nice, Mitch! You’ve set a truly fine example for aspiring politicians everywhere to look up to. (Sarcasm.)

So, it appears — if this book is indeed accurate — that not only did the wretched Trump’s attempted coup not come to pass, but neither did the brief reclaiming of their souls by McCarthy and McConnell.

It is not surprising, I’m sure. But it is a fascinating look into the castle of fools we call the Republican party. It appears the timidity and buffoonery of the Republicans was their Archilles’ heel — leading, of course, to where they find themselves today.

We need to raise $3133 to keep our fight going against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.