Kevin McCarthy swings and misses

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House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy isn’t just an idiot, he’s bigmouth idiot, and he’s too lazy to do his homework. He’s only ascended to his current role because he’s kissed Donald Trump’s backside in such humiliating fashion, Trump has apparently forgotten that McCarthy once accused him of being on Putin’s payroll. In any case, impeachment has McCarthy in way over his head, and he just reminded us of that once again.

It was bad enough for Kevin McCarthy when he went on 60 Minutes on Sunday night and tried to defend Donald Trump by claiming that the interviewer had mistakenly added a word to the Trump-Ukraine phone call summary, when in fact the interviewer was reading it verbatim. Now McCarthy is trying a different kind of stunt, and it’s just as stupid.

Kevin McCarthy has sent a letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, which he says he hopes will “halt the impeachment inquiry until we can receive public answers to the following questions. Given the enormity of the question at handโ€”impeaching a duly elected presidentโ€”the American public deserves fairness and transparency.”

That’s right, Kevin McCarthy thinks he can “halt” the impeachment inquiry just because he has some stupid questions he wants to ask. McCarthy is like the football coach who tries to stop the clock near the end of the game by calling a timeout he doesn’t have, and he thinks it’s somehow going to work. When this fails, perhaps McCarthy will try the other football tactic of falling down and faking an injury, in the hope of stopping the clock.

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