Kevin McCarthy just stepped in it

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

I won’t be discussing Hunter Biden in depth. I think the President’s son has earned the right of privacy. He’s been hounded by Republicans for YEARS now, and I think the best gift we can give him is to leave him alone.

HOWEVER — Hunter Biden being in the news and all that came with it, did trigger our least favorite puppet into saying something quite eyebrow-raising. The mushy little puppet I speak of, is Kevin McCarthy. He is the puppet on a string, and that string is usually held by Marjorie Taylor Greene, although occasionally Matt Gaetz borrows the strings for a bit.

Nobody was holding them on Tuesday. Perhaps that’s why the puppet went off script, no doubt to the horror of Gaetz, Greene, and all idiots in between. Kevin was dutifully attempting to please his puppeteer, and to that end, he complained endlessly about Hunter Biden. Kevin seems to think he should have been sent to prison, which is REALLY sick. Apparently, Kevin thinks stealing classified documents is perfectly legal and not a crime one should go to jail for.

Or DOES HE think that? You see, the puppet’s mask slipped. Oh no! Oh Kevin! What will your owners say?! You see Kevin, in the middle of a Hunter diatribe, let it slip that he thinks donald john trump is going to prison.

Oh, Kevin — Marge is gonna be mad!

“Do you think it’s fair” Kevin demanded of some reporters?

“Do you think it’s equal and fair that a political opponent is gonna be given jail time?”

RED LIGHT FLASHING! Kevin, boy, did you f### up! You’re not supposed to tell the TRUTH, Kevin even if you’re right. The reporter Kevin said this to was CNN’s, Manu Raji. And yes, this little exchange made it to Twitter, where “Kevin thinks Trump is going to jail” started being tweeted out quite quickly.

I imagine Kevin has much to answer for today as his owners must be enraged, and who knows? Perhaps they’ll decide to throw Kevin away with the bathwater. Anything’s possible in this Republican caucus.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.