Kevin McCarthy is chasing his own tail

Kevin McCarthy has some nerve criticizing anyone about anything, but his recent criticism takes the proverbial cake. Business Insider reported that McCarthy said that President Biden should have “acted sooner” with respect to aid to Ukraine, and because he didn’t, Russia invaded Ukraine. What a crock. This is the same man who not only refused to see any wrongdoing by Donald Trump in withholding aid to Ukraine, but he defended him. Republicans may think their voters are stupid-and they may well be-but the rest of us are not.
Back in 2019 when it was discovered that Trump was attempting to blackmail Ukraine President Zelenskyy, McCarthy was one of Trump’s biggest defenders. Perhaps, had Trump not withheld aid back then, Ukraine would have been in a better position to fight off Russia. While the aid was ultimately released to Ukraine, it is ridiculous that McCarthy would fix his mouth to say anything about aide to Ukraine. As Business Insider recalled, McCarthy, at the time of Trump’s impeachment, said: “Nothing in that phone call is impeachable,” and he held that stance repeatedly. Now, suddenly, it is imperative that aid get to Ukraine. Hypocrite.
The man has a lot of nerve. Business Insider quoted him: “Ukraine was craving the ability to defend themselves. Had we moved the weapons to Ukraine earlier, they could defend themselves. It would have saved thousands of lives and probably [would have circumvented] the decision of Putin to enter.” Again, what a crock of bullshit. Getting aid to Ukraine is no more important now than it was then. Because it was Trump withholding the aid-for blackmail, no less-McCarthy was fine with that aid being withheld. Now that we have a Democratic president, everything he does is suspect to someone like McCarthy, who is an idiot. Business Insider reached out to McCarthy for comment, and he, of course, did not respond.
Surely, McCarthy sees his own double standard. As soon as President Biden learned that Russia had invaded Ukraine, he began aid. He’s not psychic and had no way of knowing Russia would invade Ukraine, though he tried to intervene. McCarthy is doing nothing more than trying to increase his profile so that he can run for speaker should Republicans take the House back after the Midterm elections. He doesn’t need to be in office, let alone in charge of anything. He was one of Trump’s biggest enablers, including trying to downplay what Trump did to Ukraine in 2019. He, of course, admitted his goals during his visit to “Fox News Sunday.”
McCarthy said a lot of ridiculous things during his appearance including his plan to “make the next century the American century.” Republicans don’t care about Americans; they care about power, and once they get it, they have never done and never will do anything that benefits the American people. Why Republican voters don’t see that is beyond comprehension.

Shirley is a former entertainment writer and has worked in the legal field for over 25 years