The real reason Donald Trump is going to Kenosha

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Donald Trump’s trip to Kenosha won’t cause him to go up in the polls one bit, and he knows it. He’s just trying to bait you into thinking it’s part of some secret evil genius plan to win the election, so you’ll give up and stop putting in the work required to win. Don’t fall for it.

If Trump knew how to make his poll numbers go up, he’d have done it by now. No one languishes out of contention on purpose. He’s toast and he knows it. The only trick left up his sleeve is to try to convince us that we’re the ones who are toast, so we’ll give up before he loses.

If we don’t fall for Trump’s mind games, then he’ll have wasted his time playing them for nothing. Meanwhile we can help expand Joe Biden’s lead by spending our time on voter registration and campaign volunteering. Those are the kinds of things that actually decide election.

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