GOP Senator Kelly Loeffler probably isn’t getting much sleep tonight

Kelly Loeffler has only been a United States Senator since January of this year, when she was controversially appointed to fill an empty seat by Georgia’s corrupt Republican Governor. She has to win a special election in November to keep her seat, and she’s way behind her Republican primary challenger, suggesting she could have an exceedingly short Senate career. Now she faces a much bigger problem than losing.
On Wednesday night the Los Angeles Times reported that the FBI had carried out a search warrant for Senator Ricard Burr’s iCloud data, and subsequently found enough evidence in that data to obtain a warrant for Burr’s phone, which it’s since seized. This means Burr is on track to be indicted and arrested for insider trading.
Here’s the thing: Kelly Loeffler was caught pretty much the something that Richard Burr did. There are only a couple possibilities here. One is that Trump’s DOJ is singling out Richard Burr because he hasn’t been as loyal to Trump as some other Republican Senators have been. The other is that the DOJ is targeting all of the Republican Senators who made these kinds of trades based on the pandemic briefing, and the probe into Loeffler simply hasn’t leaked yet.
If it’s the latter, then Kelly Loeffler can expect search warrants in her near term future, and potential indictments in her longer term future, just like Richard Burr. There’s every reason to expect Loeffler isn’t getting much sleep tonight, considering what may be coming.