Kamala Harris takes lead over Donald Trump in first major new poll

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All the usual caveats apply. The polls always have to be taken with a grain of salt. The polling averages are less reliable than they used to be. Individual polls are even less reliable than the polling averages. By now you know the drill. But when Kamala Harris became the 2024 Democratic candidate for President, it’s suddenly became important to watch the polls as one of several indicators of her momentum.

To that end, the new Reuters/IPSOS poll, conducted entirely since President Biden stepped aside, has great new numbers for Kamala Harris. It has Harris two points ahead of Trump in a two way race, and it has Harris four points ahead of Trump in a three way race including RFK Jr.

Again, it’s just one poll. But it’s a doozy. Keep in mind that Kamala Harris has only been in the race for 48 hours and hasn’t even had a chance to make her initial case to the nation, yet in this one major national poll she’s already slightly ahead of Trump.

So now we wait for other major new polls to be updated post-Biden, and we wait to see if those other polls also have Kamala Harris ahead of Donald Trump. Then we’ll see what impact Harris’ initial campaign splash makes in the coming days and weeks. Better yet, let’s not wait. Let’s dive in now and help drive Kamala’s numbers even higher. Donate, volunteer, retweets, phone bank, join voter registration drives, and let’s go win it all. Donate $20 to Palmer report via GoFundMe

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